Organizing events and meetings is not a duty for me, it is a big pleasure!


I was honoured to be Lead event planner for many years in Paris. I organized many events and meetings - from small ones, as for example presentations at the Czech Embassy, to bigger events (theatre performances, soirees, parties) for more than a hundred people. 

I managed the projects from the beginning (market research, setting objectives), through the planning phase (scheduling, budget costing, role assigning, risk register updating), during the event and obviously also after the successful closure (feedback surveys, final costs and analysis reports). 

During these projects, I always used the innovation approach (inventing new events), continuous improvement (e.g. improving repeating events, learning from feedbacks) and problem-solving methods.


During every project I lead, I always follow the process of Project management life cycle - Initiation (objectives - "SMART criteria", research, options), Planning (schedule, budget, role assignment, descriptions, risk management), Execution (managing, ad-hoc problems solving) and Closure (feedbacks, analysis, reports, suggestions for next projects).


Another important process I used continuously was Risk management. Thanks to the individual or team brainstorming, I could identify and reduce all possible negative risks of the projects. 

The tools which helped me during my career were the Risk management canvas, PESTLE framework for risk identification, Risk register and Risk assessment matrix. To discover even more about this field, I took a 5-week online course "Risk management for projects" offered by the Australian University of Adelaide and earned a verified certificate.

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